Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Prayer Partner

Meet Rhett Snell
Before i returned to New Zealand, God really began to impress on me the importance of prayer and reliance on Him for things to succeed.

I also read a book that illustrated the wide gap of accountability. Something like 15% of ministers followed through on their evangelistic goals without accountability compared to 50+% of ministers with an accountability partner.
I put two and two together and i have begun meeting with Rhett on a weekly basis to pursue prayer. This has been a new experience. Never before have i met with someone where neither of us have a dictating time limit and just pray...

It has been powerful and a great personal comfort whenever prayer is brought up. i know that it is solidifying in my life and stirring in others.

This next week, we might go to main parts of Auckland and pray over the city. To some this is a waste of gas money, but to me it is a big blanket of covering and a contribution to the empowerment of the church and the body of Christ. It truly is a stance in a spiritual battle i still don't fully grasp yet. But i am excited!

1 comment:

Charissa Seitz said...

Love the idea about the prayer walk! Did you guys make it to Auckland yet? A few weeks ago I organized one for the young adults at my church here in Indy and over 40 people showed up! It was an awesome & encouraging time of fellowship and of lifting our city up to the Father. I'm glad to see that God is teaching you more about the importance of prayer. It is something SO important, yet often is so overlooked. Prayer reveals our total dependence upon God. I enjoy reading about how God is working in NZ. Keep the ministry updates coming.. :o)