Monday, October 27, 2008

Last Week This Week

Last Week: one new cell group met for the first time and got started. I sat down with the another potential cell leader on Thursday and it looks like the two potential groups will try and have a beginning meeting next week.

This Week: is a short work week because everyone celebrated Labour Day and had Monday off here in NZ. Me and some other teens and leaders made promotional videos for the January youth camp(a picture attached and the videos to come soon). I will focus on cell groups for a few days and then be busy this weekend with Equip 08, a pastoral and lay leader training conference running Friday and Saturday with open public services Fri, Sat, & Sun night.

Thanks again for your prayer and support

I actually have time to do my job!!!

So this is how it is supposed to be!!!

There is never enough time to do everything i want to in life, but this is the first time i really feel like i have the time and focus to give to ministry. The task still seems insurmountable... a G0d-sized task you could say... but it is so good to be able to know my responsibilities and to commit the time i have to meet with people and plan my work accordingly.

I have usually had multiple and responsibilities or part-time jobs. Although i am still working on my Master's online as well, it is manageable and not dominating, so "Yea for focus!"

Having this freedom and focus are a direct result of those supporting me financially and through prayer.
This is my work space at the Jones House and Cession office
The verses i just placed over my desk from 1 Corinthians 15:56-58 read:

The sting of death is sin, and the power of sin is the law.
But thanks be to God! He gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.

Therefore, my dear brothers, stand firm. Let nothing move you.
Always give yourselves fully to the work of the Lord, because you know that your labor in the Lord is not in vain.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Last Week This Week

Last Week:
I was tagged as the "typical American Christian" by someone i had just met around my age: Republican, don't smoke, don't drink, no sex before marriage. The person was definitely stuck on the virginity topic, saying they "had NEVER met someone who has decided to wait until marriage." They followed up the next day asking, "if someone messed up but wanted to start over, is that possible?" More to come on this in the future...

This Week: I meet with 3 different people about starting up new cells(small groups) at our church, which is one of our main ways of growth and outreach.

Monday, October 20, 2008

Ministry Stories So Far

Flight Conversations
I met A LOT of people on the last fight to NZ. Vic was the first guy that came and started up conversation in the LA airport and I enjoyed the conversation with him about photography… he made an interesting comment, “I am not going to fake it and say that I am a Christian, but I do have to admit that Christianity has always intrigued me… yeah, it has always been something I admired and watched from afar.” Once I was on my flight I met Brandon from Toronto and sarah? From Saskatchewan.
They were great for my long flight. Sarah(19), me (24), & Brandon (27) all travelers and excited about the next step. It was fun to share the movies, food, discussion, and time with them in the airplane and layover in Nadi, Fiji. We talked hockey, acting, politics, shot the breeze, Canada vs. US, traveling stories, etc. good times. My last leg i met Tara from Ireland. I love the life and adventure everyone lives, and in summary, they are in search of a life of fulfillment and happiness, whatever that looks like for them. I feel like in the some Christian circles, this is a good family, a good career, and security in life. It scares me because I don’t know that that is the entirety of the Christian life although those are of God. I think adventure is a part of God’s will for life. I think uncertainty and spontaneity have their time and place not just in vacations, but in life time decisions.

Homestay Phil from Germany:(top right) Phil has an amazing testimony. He is a homestay over here in New Zealand for year in Mike Yates house. Mike is the pastor of ShoreGrace and when i got to sit down and talk with Phil, he was so grateful for being place with the family and kept telling me about how much he was learning about God and the church since being apart of this family. If he is not a Christian, he is well on his way! so good.

Coffee Club Waitress from Sweden:
I was working and this girl asked about my accent and why i was here. The conversation then went into church and life and later to my beliefs about politics and moral issues like drinking, smoking, and sex. She was really intrigued, commenting that "she has never met anyone who has decided to save themself for marriage." She said she had not been to church since being in NZ for 7 months so i have invited her to cession. We will see what comes from this.

Friday, October 10, 2008

Church Planting

It is amazing the effort everyone puts in each week!
Every week, the congregation takes all the equipment and everything out of this trailer

and put it in this building:

and transform the place from this:

To this!

Thursday, October 9, 2008

The New Zealand Needs and Statistics

I am not sure all of these stats are current and completely accurate, but either way, this is an eye opening video if you are interested in the knowing the needs of New Zealand. (Courtesy of Rachel Nigro's blog.)

I would say it is a must watch.

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Last Month This Month

Last Month(Sept): was focused on PREPARATION: getting settled, understanding the church, understanding my roles, and brainstorming about what i can do to help here in New Zealand.

This Month(Oct): is focused on CELL GROUPS: developing a plan and meeting with potential groups and their leaders to support them in getting the ball rolling in meeting together.

Next Month(Nov): is focused on WELCOMING: developing a first impressions plan & welcoming team so that all of the visitors to cession are welcomed and easily plugged in as desired.

Two Months(Dec): So that by our big Christmas OUTREACH, we are well prepared and ready to welcome visitors and have a place for them to be involved and included at cession community.